Aerial View
  • Prime Dublin 2 location next to St Stephens Green
  • Highly accessible by public and private transport
  • Unique Opportunity to Refurb & Extend, or Redevelop
  • Suitable for Office, Hotel or Student Accommodation SPP
  • Zone - Z5: City Centre
  • Site Area ≈ 0.1927 Ha (0.476 acres) to include 0.0354 Ha (0.087acres) taken in charge
  • Existing Office Buildings ≈ 2,505.40sqM (26,967sqft)
  • Fully Let - Producing ≈ €1.25Mpa (with over 98% from State & State funded Entities)
  • All leases expire c. 31st May 2025

Brochure Download


Montague Court is an early second-generation modern office building completed c1973 and refurbished c1999/2000. The building is laid out over 3 floors on stilts with double height reception at ground level and extends to 2,432.70sqM (26,185sqft) NIA in total.

  • Typical floor ≈ 788.40sqM (8,486sqft) NIA
  • Block depth ≈ 13.3M (43'8")
  • Slab-to-slab ≈ 3.065M (10’)
  • Carpet tile to underside of suspended ceiling tile ≈ 2.5M (8'2")

In the absence of raised access floors, perimeter mounted dado trunking is provided. The building is naturally ventilated with opening tilt and turn double glazed windows. Central heating is via gas fired boilers serving radiators located under the windows. Two lifts serve all floors while male and female toilets are provided on all office floors.

Car parking is provided at ground level under the building together with bicycle parking and bin stores. There is a small 2 storey mews building situated in the grounds of the car park.

The Building Consultancy have prepared an assignable building survey. Schedules of Dilapidations have been served on all Tenants save for Romeril Forensic Engineers.

The property occupies a site of 0.1927 Ha (0.476 acres) of which 0.0354 Ha (0.087 acres) is taken in charge.


BER Number 800981557


Montague Street links Harcourt Street with Camden Street/Wexford Street. This is a prime Dublin 2 location, nearby St Stephens Green at the heart of the City Centre.

This is a highly accessible location whether by public or private transport with nearby LUAS Green line stops equidistant on Harcourt Street or St Stephens Green about a 5-minute walk. Numerous Bus routes and stops are located on Camden Street and generally nearby. Close by amenities include Iveagh Gardens and St Kevins Park.

Camden Street/Wexford Street and environs including Montague Street are renowned for their liveliness by day and by night. They feature an eclectic mix of retail outlets together with a wide range of cafes, restaurants, pubs and venues that coalesce into a vibrant nightlife.

Harcourt Street is a more commercial/office location and benefitting from the presence of the Iveagh Garden Hotel, the Dean Hotel, the Green Hotel and other hospitality and leisure venues. Office occupiers include, KPMG, McKinsey & Company, Byrne Wallace, The Department of Foreign Affairs and the AA.

The immediate area has witnessed substantial renewal and development in recent years including the nearby Wythe Building and the Greenside Building a new 10 story office building under construction on Cuffe Street.

Prime Dublin 2 location ideally suited to

  • Office
  • Hotel
  • Student Accommodation

Situated next to St Stephens Green


Murphy Geospatial measured the property and as summarised below:






2nd Floor Plan


The property is held freehold, with part taken in charge by Dublin City Council



The landlord has consented to the assignment of the DCEDIY leases to the OPW.
Romeril Forensic Engineers have signed a Deed of Renunciation.
All leases expire c 31st May 2025.


Murphy Geospatial measured the site area (Area A) and advise that it extends to 0.1573 Ha (0.389 acres) and as approximately outlined in red for identification purposes only. They advise that the area taken in charge (Area B, coloured yellow) extends to 0.0354 Ha (0.087 acres) and that the total area of the entire plot (Area A+B) extends to 0.1927 Ha (0.476 acres). Site

Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028

Montague Court is situated in Zone Z5 - City Centre: "To consolidate and facilitate the development of the central area, and to identify, reinforce, strengthen and protect its civic design character and dignity."" Land-Use Zoning Objective Z5 permits a wide range of uses that includes – office, hotel, student accommodation, hostel (tourist) and medical and related consultants amongst many others.

Zone Plan

Development Potential

RKD Architects have identified significant development potential inherent in the property whether as an office building or as a hotel or indeed as student accommodation. They have accessed the properties potential both from a refurbish and extend perspective and also a demolish and new build approach. The RKD feasibility study is available in the Data room.

Subject to planning and so on, RKD estimate the site/property could accommodate (i) an 8 storey over basement 133 bedroom hotel extending to 8,635sqM (92,946sqft) GIA or (ii) an 8 storey over basement office block extending to 9,623sqM (103,581sqft) GIA or (iii) an 8 storey 154 unit student accommodation block extending to 6,448sqM (69,406sqft) GIA - all on the basis of demolish and new build.

Newbuild Office

Further Information

Inspections strictly by appointment with HWBC.



80 Harcourt Street
Dublin 2, D02 F449
T +353 (0)1 775 0500
E info@hwbc.ie



Joseph Bohan

087 251 4596

Paul Scannell

087 226 0473

Jenny Prunty

087 633 5548


Kieran Curtin

087 975 2460




Riverside Two
Sir John Rogerson's Quay
Dublin 2, D02 KV60
Ireland, DX No. 63


Imelda Reynolds

+353 (0) 1 418 0664

HWBC Limited (PSRA Licence No 002098) t/a HWBC for themselves and for the vendors or lessors of this property whose Agents they are, give notice that: (i) The particulars are set out as a general outline for the guidance of intending purchasers or lessees, and do not constitute part of an offer or contract. (ii) All descriptions, dimensions, areas, uses, images, references to condition, access and necessary permission for use and occupation, and all other details are given in good faith and are believed to be correct, however they are not warranted, and any intending purchasers or lessees should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them, undertaking their own due-diligence into all aspects of the property at their own expense. (iii) Neither HWBC nor any person in the employment of HWBC has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever (whether express or implied) in relation to this property. (iv) Neither HWBC nor any person in the employment of HWBC nor the vendor nor lessor shall be liable to any intending purchasers or lessees or any party for any loss or damage (whether foreseeable or not) howsoever arising directly or indirectly from any use of or reliance on the details and information set out in this website or otherwise in connection with same. (v) The details and information contained in this website are not and do not purport to be a comprehensive presentation of all matters relevant to the property and are subject to change without notice or liability to any intending purchasers or lessees or any party with access to same. Note: Prices are quoted exclusive of VAT (unless otherwise stated) and all negotiations are conducted on the basis that the intending purchasers or lessees shall be liable for any VAT arising. This website is issued by HWBC on the understanding that all negotiations relating to the property are conducted through it. February 2025.

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